I had dry skin since I was a kid and it used to bother me a lot. After washing my face with water it feels very very dry and some kind of tightening is also felt. 4 years ago I felt hopeless when heating time began and I had the white spots with dead skin on my face. It felt terrible. Back then I was using unatural face creams, very expensive ones. But after I finished using them, my life changed compleately. It's the first time I am sharing my "beauty secrets", so don't get hard on me.
First oil, but not the best is olive oil. I use it to clean my make-up only and for hair. However, I use it on skin when I forget to take my oil with me and this is the only thing left. I read that it is too heavy on skin, but it's good to clean your make-up with it and for your hair of course. Also for a lot of masks. I put it in white clay and make a mask out of this mixture and put it on my face skin. But before that - don't forget to clean it!
Cocnut oil. I love it, it smells great and I like the texture of it. I use it after I wash my face sometimes in the evenings (because it's good to change oils from time to time), but mostly I use it now on my body. elbowes, hands, neck etc. Especially I use it, when it's sunny or windy outside. I wake up in the morning, clean my face and then put this oil on my face skin (just a small amount). When I am ready to go (however if you apply on cream powder, this is not gonna work for you).
Almond oil. I changed coconut oil for face skin to this recently. I read so many good things about it. However, I will try so many more oils in a future. And I also tried already. This I use instead of face cream. It works for me. I don't use any kind of creams on my face for 3 years or more now.
I bought this "noni care" face wash from a shop of natural product. It consists of noni juice. But it's not completaly natural. It's one thing which is not in my face care routine. However sometimes it's not so bad. Though I am still searching for a totally natural one (not in a powder shape). The next dark green bottle is totally natural face cleanser, the only thing which I did not like in it was alcohol, because it makes skin dry. Though I use it the days, when I don't go out much, don't put any make-up on (that means mascara). Because I don't have a lot to clean off and it's better for me to interact with the water less.

This is a natural honey. I would also add white clay or other natural homemade masks, but I totally forgot to include it in this "photoshoot". haha. I use it with cinamon sometimes, but recently I just simply apply it on my face. It intoxicates your skin and makes it baby soft. But it somehow goes on the side of your hair and you can't wash it out. So, I use it only before I wash my hair. That is sad.
Another form of cleanser - camomila water. I put these and boil some water. Then I clean my face with it in the morning. Only if your camomilas come in this shape use percolator.
I also use any other kinds of herbs I have, or my grandmother gives me.
I also ask my boyfriend to give me face massages from time to time (he is an almost professional masseaur). Unprofessional massages can make you some extra wrinkles though, so be careful with that. But after massages I feel like my muscles free themselves for few hourse. Amazing.
I also do some steam therapy to my face. I am thinking of buying more herbs and I will do it more often then.
Myabe some of you have more interesting tips, I would gladly hear them. And remember if it worked for me, it doesn't matter it would work for you. I also remember, when I quit all unatural creams, my face went nuts and it kept going worst. Also you have to remember to use less alcohol, save yourself from cigaretes and try to eat properly. It is a long way to make your skin healthy and soft as baby's. But you can do it.
Also after I started using these products, I never had a skin drying problem again. And you may come with your own routine, but don't forget to change it a little bit from time to time.
For a scouring your face you can use tomatos and some salt.