2012 m. gegužės 15 d., antradienis

I am going through some boring stuff recently, so I've noticed today that I am not getting enough of sleep. Maybe I should be concerned about it and get some more. Tmorrow I have a free day, so I am gonna sleep as much as I want and then I will work with my term papers.
Yesterday I started exercising AGAIN. After so much time. And I already see the results. Never understood why exercising is affecting me so much if I am a weak person. A lot of people can do more exercises than me, but they barely can see any results. Maybe because I was exercising since I was 15 years old. I never had any fat on my belly. But I am not thin, and I am proud of it. I am coocking some dinner, so I thought I will write somethng and now I see I wrote some real crap.
I can't decide what I should to apply for the next year in that school I wanted. I saw that they have interior design also. But sewing... I could get straight to that design college I want... hm... But still, not for free. But If I would go for the interior design, I could get a better job... They teach you to work with some good programs. If they even could take me, because I would be studying in two places, is this even legal?

Must get ready for the summer seasson

I hate my hair
I know these pics are stupid. But I like stupid pics and it's my blog

Sketch of yesterday. But I was drawing it two days... so It doesn't count
It seems that I accidently missed the call which wanted to invite me to the job interview. I'll never leave my phone without observation. My mistake

14 komentarų:

  1. Truksta penktos nuotraukos su tatuiruote, kurios nesimato pirmoje nuotraukoje ;)

  2. Tatuiruotę paliksim kitam kartui :p

  3. Tikrai? Koks tu mielas :p Net nenumanau, kaip jį atrasti, tiesą sakant :)p

    1. Atsidarai blogo valdymo pulta : Layout => Add A gadget => Followers. Ir viskas, Paskuj dar gali pertempti i reikiama vieta ta "Followers". Va padariau screen-shota: http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/1697/followj.jpg , Sekmes ;)

    2. Ačiū labai. Koks tu nerealus <3

  4. Atsakymai
    1. Netikiu kad tu tingine, kitaip neskirtum tiek laiko piesimui :)) Taip , viskas puikiai gavosi ;)

    2. Tu daraisi vis mielesnis. Liaukis. Bet žinok, kol supratau, kad esu teisingoj vietoj, kur nurodei. :D pasijaučia kaip blondinė..

    3. Na bet radai! ;) ten dar daug gali prideti Add-on'u: populiariausi post'ai, archyvas, lankytoju skaitliukas ir panasiai :))

    4. Aha. Bet kažkaip tas skaitytojų skaitliukas įpareigoja... turėjau jį aname blog'e :)

  5. Na jei kils dar klausimu - feel free to ask ;)
