My week started quite strangely, therefore I have been a little bit sad today. We initially planned that my love is coming this Friday and that was a deal. I've been dreaming about free Saturday together, I even took some time off. But apparently he might be in Lithuania maybe only on Saturday night, because he wants to drive a car to where we live from Germany. Which was very sad. I know you could say that it's only a one day matter, but it did matter to me personally.
However, I am planning on meeting my peeps this week. I already visited my older sister, we had so much fun last night, trying on wedding dress and shit :D Then tomorrow I am meeting my two other friends, also maybe a tattoo and then on Thursday I'll visit my cousin who moved into our city, which is awesome.
And of course I have a bunch of stuff for the university and tattoo related things :)
Hope you enjoy the advent and have less job than I do...
Ziuriu labai senai lankiausi, nes pilna fotkiu kur tu su auskaru nosy, kurio anksciau neturejai:) 3ia foto: Bhakti-Vriksha, is sanskrito kalbos reiskia Meiles Medis))
AtsakytiPanaikintiTikrai seniai :) ar tinka man jis? Iš tiesų, gan seniai jį turiu, tik neseniai įsivėriau didesnį :p kiek tu daug visko žinai :o