This morning felt like Christmas. My bf got back from his small short and unpayed job to his new job and he brought me my drawing tablet, of which I was waiting the most from all things I ordered, except tattoo kit maybe. He got off and I cannot install drivers, because my CD rom (?) is pissing me off, it seems like it will crash the CD and I am very sad that I now have to wait till my bf will organise all the papers in his new job and will get back hear and do something about that CD. Anyway, I was quite happy and I will let you know how it will end up, also if it will end up good you might even see some drawings of mine soon.
I wanted a smaller tablet, because I am one of those people, who travel from place to place with half of my stuff. Also, yesterday was 3 years while we are together. With some little breaks :D
Pabandyk paieškoti tabletes oficialiame psl tos instaliacijos,mat ne visi pc turi cd driverius ir daugelis firmu siulo parsisiusti juos.
AtsakytiPanaikintiLaukiu tavo darbų :)
Paulius sutvarkė, kai iš to CD į savo pc įkėlė ir po to į flashą draiverius, nes matyt mano CD romas tikrai sugedo :( Kokia tu miela, ačiū labai :*