2014 m. vasario 22 d., šeštadienis

I am back

Hi internet peeps. I've been terrible in updating this blog, but I have like tones of explanations why I have been absence for this long. As I scrolled down on my blog, I saw that I bloged just few times a week few months. But shit happens.
Firstly the spring came and it brought a lack of vitamines and a desire to start exercising. But for now I will have to exercise at home, because I am saving for my boyfriend's present. It's quite expensive for my pocket, but I am sure I am getting it for his birthday. I know he will love it. Later maybe I'll post about it, when I buy it I guess.
Also I have been tattooing a lil' bit. I want to tattoo more, because practice makes perfect. But I don't have too many possibilities for that to happen yet.

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