2012 m. rugsėjo 30 d., sekmadienis

Little project

In our place there was an old cupboard. I hated the way it looked and I remade it with my colors.

Now it looks way better than it did before...

Tattoo weekend

Tonight I made this tattoo for my mother in law. It was her bithday present, and she liked it!

She wasn't moving at all, it is a pleasure to tattoo that sort of perso very much.

Today it's rainning like hell, I hate this day and I want to cover myself with thousands of layers, it's just that I have to go to Klaipeda again... So cold...

2012 m. rugsėjo 29 d., šeštadienis

Autumn inspires me

I don't actually get how, but Autumn inspires  me very much. I love those gloomy and cold Saturday mornings, when I sleep in my comfortable bed and it's so warm and cosy in there. Those pictures also inspire me very much.
P.S. At last today I bought faux leather gloves. Ah, it's a pity those amazing gloves for an example from "Mango" shop cost fortune to me right now, because they have amazing big ribbons (forgot the other word). And my new gloves have smaller ribbons on them.

2012 m. rugsėjo 28 d., penktadienis

The "New Girl" is back!

At last, after almost 5 months of waiting "New girl is back". I found this TV show, when it was only released and I liked it from the first episod. It is a TV show about a girl who after the break up moves in with 3 amazing guys. She is so charming and also quite funny. You can watch the episods for free here: New Girl.

Tonight tattoo again. Because of the lightening it looks quite not plane. Ugh. I just did what I was asked to. In the photos they always look worst though. I am quite disapointed of myself. But it's just the start and a moon is full (I am not doing well, when the moon is full). Also, the lightening is horrible in a place I am working, I should buy an extra lamp, from the money I earned of tattooing today.

2012 m. rugsėjo 26 d., trečiadienis

When you want to live in the painting

That starnge feeling, when you want to live in the painting

The wall full of paintings - my dream

Italian mess

It's so messy around and I need to take a break from everything. I should also tidy up the apartment, because it looks incredibly disguisting. And I have tones of homework, like always. Never interesting happened, except that we had an italian dinner yesterday and it was sooo good, that I ate too much. Yeah yeah: painting, learning and reading left in my life only.
 I just hate one thing, that people, who are determined to get a tattoo at me, some of them just do not text me that week and I leave as a dumbass... Gosh, do I have to reach out these people? They want the tattoos, not me...

Italian still life. I am obsessed with doing still lifes in this apartment. It's maybe the illness forthcomming from my desire to paint. 

amazing dinner for two again

2012 m. rugsėjo 25 d., antradienis

Lisa Place

I am always interested in reading Lisa's Olsson blog. She is an amazing girl living in Sweden, Malmo. She has a really great style and she also takes awesome pictures of her outfits, these are adorable. Not like me though, my outfit photos suck. Never mind about that, every single girl, who read my blog, should visit hers (this is not a commandment :), because she is nice Lisa Place.

2012 m. rugsėjo 23 d., sekmadienis

Rainy days

I am not very much into the cold weather, it just feels so good to light some candles and drink tea with your bf, when it's rainning. I adore that feeling. 

Dangerous shoes

As long as I've spent like a half weekend on the pinterest, I found there lots of inspiring things. It's just that I haven't done the homework and I only managed to do one tattoo. But I hope, if no one will change their minds, I will tattoo 3 people in the upcomming week. Wish me luck.
So, I never talked about the shoes. Well, all my life I haven't been a huge shoe maniac, I was more into lingerie, perfume and dresses. But now I am changing little by little, thinking of buying new shoes (If I had spare money, which won't happen soon). I found so many dark and dangerous shoes, it seems that I like them must. But there is a problem, like always, I shouldn't wear high heels a lot, because I am very tall then.

I like this style a lot, because it is simple, but also very classy

I was dreaming of new rocks a lot, when I was younger. Now I would enjoy wearing them also

I like the design of these shoes, totally me

Oh sweet Lord, this is high

These are simple, nice and affordable (was it even a right word?). Thinking of something like that

aw... cute

That would be too much for me

2012 m. rugsėjo 22 d., šeštadienis

Back to Black

I spent a whole day on the computer, also taking care of my beauty and health, searching for inspiration and planning upcomming tattoos, not doing my homework though. The best part haha. But I have a major wishlist and I wanna share it with you. As you've probably noticed, that I am getting back to black little by little. This must be no good, but I love and maybe always will love black color. It's a pity I gave away a lot of my best gothic clothes, now I feel quite sad about it. But what the hell, there are tones of better clothes in the world and I want 'em all!

I definitely want this mercedes to be mine

I always loved faux black fur.. and this ones...

I found theses leggings to buy in my home country. How happy and sad I was in the same time. I cannot afford them, when we are saving now for the big trip.

This jacket is all I could wear during my life

Oh my God - when I saw this dress. The best thing I've seen in a while

This one looks great too

I am really looking forward to getting nail extensions. My sister kinda promised she will do it for me in a trade me tattooing her. I hope this deal will happen.

Also, today I covered up my Dad's old tattoo. He really liked it. It's a pity I do not have a picture and my Daddy is sleeping now. He was so happy and I thought how happy people can get when they get a tattoo, that makes me wanna enjoy my new passion. By the way, I wrote my mom's name on that mess, which has been on his hand as far as I remember him. And on 6th October my parents will be 30 years married.

Zara Jacket

I remade a little bit my zara leather jacket with faux fur I took off the other jacket. It was quite difficult to match it and also I sewed some buttoms, that I could take it off and put it on my other jacket, when winter will come. ahhh, I like it so much...

I should tidy my wardrobe, even though I have tones of homework...to do

2012 m. rugsėjo 21 d., penktadienis

Monica Cook

I sometimes wonder how there are so many good artists? The worst thing - I am not one of them. Also, they work so hard, not like me. Am I gonna be good one day? I hope so.
It's been a long time I know Monica Cook, the problem is I tend to forget names recently. But It's been a year I discovered her, maybe I even posted some of her best works in my previous blog, but today I rediscovered her again and I am devastated that I am such a dilettante. I hope I'll work more and achieve something in art. It is a serious problem - I have an art virus in me lately. Again, Monica Cook is amazing. The details she zooms are amazing, every finger or lip is like a different masterpiece. It's just that she uses some "ugly" scenes in her artworks. Well, for someone it's ugly, for someone not.


I cannot answer to myself what is really important to me. I am too difficult even to myself.
I am searching for some tattoo ideas (for my dad, myself and my mother in law)... I myself wanna get some imprtant words, but I cannot remember anything.

yesterday I did this, but again, it's not finished I guess
Don't pay attention to my typing mistakes, my keybooard totally sucks now.

we really need a desk in our apartment

2012 m. rugsėjo 20 d., ketvirtadienis


Somehow we booked two tickets to Milan for three days in November! I still cannot believe in this and I think that someone somehow will ruin this trip. I want this so much, gonna save money like a lot now, I want to pay at least the half sum my bf payed for these tickets, not sure about the hotel and food yet, but we have two months left.. Also I always loved the idea of visiting Milan, I like north Italy a lot. Ugh, the tickets are already booked, but I am still nervious, because if my bf will find a job and his boss won't give him those 4 free days. One good thing is that we booked tickets during the Autumn holidays, when I won't have to go to school and maybe University (not sure yet).
I hope we will visit lots of good places and galleries, I adore them. And Leonard da Vinci was living in Milan, there you can find his "last supper" masterpiece in Santa Maria delle Grazia church. I want to see it so much!!!

2012 m. rugsėjo 19 d., trečiadienis

Vestina's tattoo shop

Somehow there are more and more people who want to get a tattoo at my "shop". Even though I really made only one real tattoo, the other one I just remade. After all, this is amazing, because I really love tattooing people. Yesterday one more guy wrote me a message with a request to get a tat at my "shop" and I felt happy, because I don't know him. Like I did not know the girl I tattooed last week. Because I love meeting new people and they also can spread the information around, that would earn me some money. But the strangest thing is that I am gonna tattoo my mother in law, she asked me to tattoo her for he birthday, that's gonna be something like a gift for her from me. Also, yesterday my friend Juste, who is gonna visit me soon, asked to tattoo her also. Well, I offered her first to give something for her, like a gift. We both liked the idea, it's that I have less and less time, but I have also to draw some tattoos. Well, that's gonna happen.

There are so many different things I love and that is not good, too much of ecletic. But this dress is something I want very very much...

And these juice also :D good idea though

What an adorable necklace


I haven't had a free minute to relax, not talking about the reading. But it's my fault, I take more than I can handle sometimes. It's just that I have more and more readers and I don't have like a lot of interesting things to post and write.
Today I had to skip painting lecture, because the artworks I had to display are still wet (oil colors) and I haven't got enough of them yet. I also skipped phylosophy, because I got cold and everyday we have like 4 lectures of it, so today I am an early bird at home, because I was only in sewing classes, we learned how to measure body. That was quite fun...
But I am always thinking of my future, thinking what to study next. I do not consider myself a great artist, because I haven't been working a lot and I feel so bad about it. So, I've decided to study more and do not waste my time. I have already been working quite hard this week, but I will try to work more. I would really like to study in the academy of art in Vilnius. I heard that I could get a place there if I will also have a sewing diploma, if I would go for design.... but, I am thinking more of something else, like painting or restoration, or even art history, but design would go well with my character and desires. But it's so hard to get there and I want to get a magister degree, that's even harder...grrrr

Again, we can't see any colors. I hate cellphone pictures

Baths... they are awesome way to take a break
Now I am off to make myself a cup of hot chocolate (we have no tea haha) and to paint!