2012 m. rugsėjo 15 d., šeštadienis

First real tattoo

At last, I made this tattoo tonight. It looks just awesome in reallity, also, I made it better than she wanted. But only I screwed with whiskers of this butterfly. I haven't really thought of the smaller needle that moment, ugh, whatever, the girl hasn't noticed this little mistake. Evene though, the butterfly she wanted was asymmetric and I drew new one. The best thing was when the basics gone and I had to make evrything only using my hand, with no drawing. But I liked it so much, even thogh my hands were shaking...like always in the start.
Today we also spent lots of good time in the farm: I saw 3 rainbows and one dead cat. Amazing. We took cows and brought them to the farm... I felt great being there. Laughed so much with my sister and cousins. Remembered good old times.

6 komentarai:

  1. Eina sau, super! Taip noreciau ir as tatuiruotes, bet nesiryzciau su vienu piesiniu susieti savo viso gyvenimo.. Kazin, gal yra kokiu nors techniku laikinoms, bet ne savaitines tos, kaip su chna, bet kur bent menesi, ar net puse metu butu? Gal zinai? :)

    1. Tiesą sakant, dar nesidomėjau laikinomis tatuiruotėmis. Manau, nereikia bijoti nieko gyvenime, ko iš tikrųjų nori, nes laikas nenumaldomai bėga. Gailėsiesi ne dėl to, ką padarei, o dėl to, ko nepadarei... :) bet gali pasiteirauti įvairiuose salonuose ;)

  2. O, sveikinu su pirmu darbeliu!! Gerai gavosi, tai manau ateity tikrai tobulesi ir tau viskas pavyks! ;)

    1. Ačiū labai labai :) man tikrai smagu, kai kas palaiko. Galėsi užsukti pas mane pasidaryt tattoo kada haha ;)

    2. Na as save leidziu badyti tik Eddy-Tattoo ;))
